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May 30, 2015
Golang: Reverse ISOWeek, get the date of the first day of ISO week

If you work with weeknummers, you can find the weeknumber of a date with the Golang function time.ISOWeek. However you wish to get the first date of a week, there is no such function in Google Go. So let's write it our selfs: func FirstDayOfISOWeek(year int, week int, timezone *time.Location) time.Time { date := time.Date(year, 0, […]

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January 30, 2015
Building a Golang web application with Revel

Google Go is an excelent language for building (compiled) web applications. We could start building a Golang web application from scratch, but like with other languages you can start off faster with an existing framework. I have tried several diffent frameworks, but many of them are still inmature and often lack documentation. The best and […]

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